Committee participation is open to all OBMA members. To join, simply show up at the meeting. If you’d like to be reminded about upcoming meetings, please let the OBMA office know: [email protected] or (619) 224-4906.
Economic Vitality Committee Purpose
To promote the best use of existing buildings, and natural, and human resources to ensure the economic viability of Ocean Beach. This committee’s focus is the economic well-being of the Ocean Beach business district, including business retention, business recruitment, and cost analysis studies.
Meetings: Noon, 1st Wednesday of each month (bring your lunch), OBMA office
Chair: Beth Wright, OB Barber Shop
Roles & Responsibilities
- Co-manage Maintenance Assessment District (MAD) with the Design Committee
- Manage relationships with the Maintenance Assessment District and property owners
- Provide OBMA members with resources such as but not limited to City funding sources and grant opportunities through e-news and website blog
- Provide members with updated Storefront Improvement Program opportunities
- Host Business Improvement Series
- Monthly review of new businesses
- Provide members with information from California Main Street and Main Street America
- Manage the City of San Diego’s Public Right of Way (PROW) program permits
- Oversee grant opportunities for the organization
- Discuss, review, and notify our elected representatives about issues of great concern to small business
FY24 Committee Goals
- Host a free shredding event in October 2024 for our members
- Business Development Sessions once per quarter
- Establish membership goals
- Create SOP for new member onboarding
- Create SOP to engage current OBMA members
- Set up auto-renewal through a credit card processing company for membership dues
- Send out an annual survey
- Complete the Who We Are & What We Do project using Aliro Marketing and AI
A few past projects
- Hosted Pandemic Relief Seminars
- Assisted merchants with Temporary Outdoor Business Operation permits during the Pandemic
- Facilitated Small Business Administration seminars
OB Online Business Directory Update
We’ve heard from a lot of our members, 62 to be exact. Please reach out to the OBMA team and provide us with any updates to your business. This will ensure we have the most up-to-date information posted.
Date | Agenda | Minutes |
March 2025 | Agenda | --- |
April 2023 | Agenda | Minutes |
March 2023 | Agenda | Minutes |
February 2023 | Agenda | Minutes |
January 2023 | Agenda | Minutes |
December 2022 | Agenda | Minutes |
November 2022 | Agenda | Minutes |
October 2022 | Agenda | Minutes |
September 2022 | Agenda | Minutes |
August 2022 | Agenda | Minutes |
July 2022 | Agenda | Minutes |
June 2022 | Agenda | Minutes |